
Sunday, August 23, 2015

Forward and Onward

As many of you know, we have just made the biggest decision facing us........."the move"
We have finally done it, from Washington north to Alaska.

It was amazing how God orchestrated the events of things. It was 3 years ago that we were strongly impressed to start a training center in Alaska to teach industry, which would be important to train up missionaries for foreign work and work right here in the remote places of the U.S.

So we put our house up for sale to see where it all would go, or if it would go.

Well, events took place and in our minds things changed, we decided we would drop the idea of the mission training & lifestyle center and if our house sold we would just move to Alaska and do something in the form of missionary work.

It wasn't until January of 2015 that, after all this time and our house was still not selling, that we reconsidered the idea of starting a training center. After much prayer and consideration, we concluded it would be okay with us if God wanted to use us to start just such a thing.

Much to our surprise within 3 weeks we had a solid offer on our home and within about a month we were all moved out and ready to start a life in Alaska!

So here we are, we feel God has directed us to a beautiful piece of land just 20 miles east of Delta Junction, Alaska!

It is so perfectly prepared for us, all we need now is the funds to make things happen!

The property is a bit more than we need (1040 acres) but for the price it's beyond unbelievable! Only $595,000 (asking price) with only $175,000 down and owner contract for the rest! WOW!!!

There are already existing buildings on the property, with a septic and well and a complete off-grid system!!! What more could we ask for.........except the funds to purchase it.

God has already put us in touch with interested staff and students who have caught the same vision God has given us. Thanks to ASI we have had some small financial contributions and some who would like to donate equipment for our Lifestyle Center. However, much more is still needed in the way of equipment and money.

But we need to purchase the property..........does God start something He doesn't finish? No, so we press "Forward and Onward." I think we are wearing out the knees on our clothing from much prayer about this project.

Please, prayerfully consider how God would like you to be a part 0f this ministry.

Enjoy these pictures of Alaska!

1 comment:

  1. Not sure how quickly you will get this, but I have a couple that is wanting to work with the Merrells, but after talking to them they may be interested in helping you guys instead. We may be interested too, if the Lord wills and makes Himself abundantly clear! Don't want to make any decisions without Him!.....Can you send me your phone number on my email? Just send it to Praying for you guys!! God Bless! Sonja and Dave Upham
