
Sunday, February 26, 2017

2016 News Letter

Dear Friends,
2016 is behind us now, just a recollection of things in the past........

“A new year is before us, plans should be laid for earnest, persevering effort in the Master's service. There is much to be done to advance the work of God.” CM 17.2

We expect to see many changes this new year of 2017. Some changes may be welcomed, while some.....uncertain. But we have this promise “I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him against that day.”1Tim1:12 Let not the angel of the Lord record next to our names, “A day lost!” AH 472.4

As we look back into the pages of 2016, we stand amazed at God's leadings.
In March we had the opportunity of helping 2 very special people concerning their health. We took them through a detox and cleansing program. This was an intensive 3 weeks! Focusing on the 8 laws of health, a raw food & juice program which included herbal supplementation, and simple hydro therapy treatments. Many health issues were revealed during this time.One said, “ I have learned so many new things about my body and how it works.” We look forward to doing more!

As we set our faces to the sun, we have many obstacles standing in our path. One of which is how to successfully operate a non-profit ministry and yet financially supply the daily needs of our family. You see as founders and operators of F.O.L ministries, we have agreed to not receive any personal pay or monetary rewards from this ministry. We want ALL the hard earned money of our donors to go directly to the benefit of F.O.L, 100%. We have chosen to supply our personal needs by the work of our own hands thatmore can be done in ministry. We made the decision to “live simple, that others may simply live.” We feel God has answered our prayers! We have established a small store front right here on our 20 acres. “CROSSROADS” a store that is a quality second hand business, offering health foods and supplies, a christian bookstore and small bakery. We have dedicated that out of every dollar earned, a small percentage would be donated to F.O.L. We also have a donation can on the counter which many have placed their sacrificial offerings in to support this ministry.

Here in Alaska we have a very short summer season, usually only June and July, as fall sets in about mid August. So it was a busy summer season with building projects!
We have been so blessed with this business! So many have come in and just opened up with us on issues of the Bible, health, the state of our world. One lady came in to pray for us with tears as she expressed, “God needs you here!”It has truly been a light in a dark place! Another young girl of about 18 comes in frequently, she says “I love this little store.” There is quality christian music played here all day long, this girl, not being of any christian lifestyle, has enjoyed coming here for the relaxing and elevating christian atmosphere, we have seen the softening of her heart. One day she came in and selected a basket full of items, of which was a Bible! We were thrilled to see this young girl with no apparent desire for Christ-like things, choosing the first step in her relationship with her Creator. Oh, the stories we could share.......
F.O.L made the decision to not attend ASI this year, as the grand opening of CROSSROADS was August 23. We hope to be able to attend ASI and/or GYC in 2017.

In the fall we were so pleased to see our daughter off to minister in India for Living Springs ministry in Kolkata. The work must go forward here and abroad.
Our hopes and plans have changed for 2017. The large property which we were hoping to purchase was sold in September. Seems the man who owned it died and without any notice to us, it was sold for a very cheap price of $270 per acre! We have taken that as an answer from God to move forward at a smaller scale. We will continue on right here on our 20 acres with health ministry, while placing on hold the plans for a training center on the back burner for now.

There are many sick and dying people in our world who need someone to show them a better lifestyle, a better way. Recently a man in his 60's came to us asking for guidance in health. He smokes and drinks so it wasn't hard to tell him where to start. But he wanted to know more. So we visited with him for quite a long time, sharing our own testimonies on health and Bible principles. We pray he will take hold of the message. For we are told the health message is “the right arm of the gospel” and “an entering wedge” CM ch21 May we be faithful to proclaim it and show the love of Jesus through it.

Let us see what God will do for us tis year! We thank you for your support and pray God will bless you abundantly.

Angie & Mark Johnson
President & Vice President
Fountains Of Life Ministries
Changing Lives For Eternity
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